Elite children Eye Hospital & Squint centre refractive error guide


Refractive Errors

What are the refractive errors?

In normal vision , light rays from an object falls on the retina (emmetropia) however, in the presence of a refractive error, the light rays get focused in front or behind the retina causing blurred vision.

What are the different types of refractive errors ?

How can refractive errors be treated ?

Glasses/spectacles is the best option available. Though children may initially refuse to accept glasses they become fond of them once they realize they can see better with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

In myopia the light rays from an object form an image in front of the retina. Children with myopia :

  1. 1. Have defective vision for distance

  2. 2. Shrink their eyes while trying to see distant objects

  3. 3. Hold books close to their face while reading.

In hypermetropia the light rays form an image behind the retina. Children with hypermetropia:

  1. 1. Find difficulty in reading , writing and looking at near by objects.

  2. 2. Eye strain while reading

  3. 3. May develop squint

In astigmatism light gets refracted to multiple ares on the retina causing a distorted image. Children with astigmatism can have:

  1. 1. Blurred vision for distance

  2. 2. Headache

  3. 3. Eyestrain

  4. 4. Head tilt

Does the power of the  glasses change?

Power of the glasses may change depending on the growth of the eyeball.

How frequently power check up is required ?

Children < 5 years old: every 6 monthly

Children > 5 years old: every year

When should first eye check up in a normal looking child be done ?

Every child at the age of 3 years should be evaluated for refractive error.

What happens if the child doesn't wear the glasses?

Failure to wear the glasses in childhood will retard the development of vision in that eye. It can hamper the academic activities of the child.

Are there any eye drops or diet available to abolish the glasses ?


What are the other options available ?

Contact lens for children > 15 years old. LASIK (laser surgery to remove the numbers) can done after the age of 20 years.

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