Elite children Eye Hospital & Squint centre squint | Squint Specialist for Children | Surat



Squint : is it merely a cosmetic problem or a sight stealing condition ?

Squint is a misalignment of the eye where the two eyes are pointed towards different directions. 4 % of the children have squint. The misalignment may be constant or intermittent and the deviation may be in any direction inward, outward, upward or downward. Is it not merely a cosmetic problem, it is a silent thief of sight.

What are causes of squint?

Any of the following reasons may lead to Squint:

  1. Inherited from parents or previous generations

  2. Weakness of eye muscles or problems in the cranial nerves

  3. Blurred or poor vision due to cataract, corneal scars, refractive errors, optic nerve or retinal disorders

What are the clinical features of squint or how does squint manifests itself?

  1. Misalignment of one or both eyes

  2. Defective vision in one or both eyes

  3. Face turn or head tilt

  4. Child sometimes experiences double vision or confusion

At what age a child needs to be referred if a squint is detected?

As soon as squint is detected in a child either by parents or pediatrician he /she needs to be referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist. Even if a suspicion of squint is there it should be cleared without any delay. As shown in the above picture squint can lead to loss of binocularity or permanent loss of vision ( Amblyopia).

How can squint be managed?

Squint can be managed using combination of any of following techniques (4 O):

  1. Optics (correction of refractive error)

  2. Occlusion ( to correct amblyopia)

  3. Orthoptic exercises

  4. Operation (squint surgery to align eyes)

Surgical treatment is given to a child based upon the improvement in vision by spectacle and patching therapy. It also depends upon the age of the patient and the angle of deviation. Extra-ocular surgery is done on extra-ocular muscles under general anesthesia. Surgery is done on one or both eyes simultaneously depending on the deviation. Extra-ocular muscles are either weakened or strengthened (see picture below) for straightening the misaligned eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Squint Surgery

Ideal age for surgery: Once the amblyopia (Lazy Eye) is treated surgery should be done as early as possible . 1 year or above is a pretty good age to take the child for surgery.

Benefits of early surgery:

  1. More chances of regaining the binocularity.

  2. More chances of stereopsis

  3. More chances that the eyes will maintain the alignment.

Remember: As the child grows older it becomes more difficult to treat squint and regain the lost vision. However, cosmetically straightening the eye is possible at any age.

State-of-Art Squint Surgery being performed by Dr. Nitin at Elite Children Eye Hospital

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